
After graduating from Forestry studies, you will be able to work in the State Forest Enterprise (forest districts, nurseries, forest management), the State Forest Service, environmental protection institutions, private forest enterprises or establish forestry and wood processing businesses yourself. After graduating from the Nature Tourism Branch of the Forestry study program, you will also be able to work in national and regional parks (as nature management specialists, nature guides, rangers) or create natural tourism businesses yourself.

After graduating with a degree in Landscape Design, you will be able to work in landscaping companies, nurseries, floriculture farms, botanical gardens, national and regional parks, or create your own landscaping or phytodesign businesses.

After graduating from Horticulture, you will be able to start and develop your own business - to establish your own farms, work in companies and organizations in the field of agriculture, and in companies providing planting services.

After completing studies in Hydrotechnical Engineering, you will be able to work in water engineering, design companies, water protection and environmental administration institutions, municipal administration departments supervising drainage and construction work, and companies engaged in the design and construction of renewable energy resources.

Graduates of Real estate cadastral measurements can work in various companies, institutions, organizations related to cadastral surveying, geodesy, cartography, real estate valuation, territorial planning activities required for economic and other state needs: SE Center of Registers, geodetic and cadastral surveying companies, property (forest, land, building) valuation firms, establish geodetic and cadastral surveying and real estate valuation companies, etc.

After graduating from Land Management studies, you will be able to work in various companies, institutions, organizations related to land management, geodesy, cartography, real estate administration, territorial planning activities required for economic and other state needs: National Land Service or its subordinate territorial divisions, Institute of Aerogeodesy, SE State Land Fund, SE State Forest Enterprise; in enterprises engaged in cadastral measurements of real estate objects, preparation of territorial planning documents. You will also be able to establish your own business.